“My interdisciplinary practice spans writing, experimental filmmaking, and performance. As a writer, I’m interested in using genre (erotica, fantasy, self help, etc.) to access greater truths. My films are often a mix of formal and emotional investigation. As a mother and an artist, I tend to combine ‘home movies’ and studio experiments to create video poems, using the editing process to develop rhythm and find continuous threads in disparate imagery. My directorial performance work combines dance, light and shadow, and physical materials to explore the relationship of internal to external landscapes.”
Amelia Garretson-Persans is an interdisciplinary artist based in Portland, Maine. She received her BFA in Studio Art from Concordia University in Montreal and her MFA from the Maine College of Art & Design in Portland, ME. She has shown work in Maine, New York, Tennessee, Quebec and elsewhere. Her residencies include the Digital Narratives residency at the Banff Centre in Alberta, the Jenny Family Residency in Nova Scotia and the Stephen Pace House in Maine.
In addition to being an artist and a mom, she is a very part time DJ at the University of Southern Maine’s community radio station, WMPG 90.9. Catch her show, “The Love Ship” every second Sunday of the month at 5 pm!